Over the past week or two I have had a bit of an overnight oats obsession. I have been trying everything and anything new to put in a jar with some oats, and I have come up with some pretty good results! I will post the ingredients I used for each photo so you can try them for yourself.
Chocolate Banana Oats |
40g thick Scottish oats
1/2 tsp cocoa powder
2 tsp stevia
1/2 chopped banana
1/2 small cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp organic no added sugar peanut butter
Mix the oats, cocoa powder & stevia together and add to the jar layering the sliced banana as you go. Pour over the almond milk and then spread the peanut butter over the top. Leave in the fridge overnight and heat in the microwave for roughly 2 minutes in the morning before eating.
Strawberry Protein Powder Oats |
40g thick Scottish oats
1 scoop Strawberry USN Pure Protein Powder
1 tbsp desiccated coconut
1 tsp stevia
Goji berries
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp organic no added sugar peanut butter
Put all ingredients in the jar, adding the almond milk and peanut butter last. Stir so all the ingredients are mixed equally and put in the fridge overnight. In the morning microwave for roughly 2 minutes.
Coffee Oats #1 |
This is attempt number 1 at coffee overnight oats, it did not go too well... I logically thought that by adding instant coffee granules to my oats mixture it would give me a nice coffee flavour. This was not the case. It ended up tasting really bitter and burnt. Thankfully, when I posted this picture on Instagram, one of my followers suggested I try using brewed coffee, which resulted in attempt number 2...
Coffee Oats #2 |
This is coffee overnight oats attempt number 2 - a brilliant suggestion from a follower to use brewed coffee worked fantastically.
40g thick Scottish oats
2 tsp stevia
1/2 sliced banana
1/2 mug of brewed coffee
2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp organic no added sugar peanut butter
1 egg white
Add your oats, stevia and banana into your jar like usual. Brew a mug of coffee, (I used instant Nescafe), and use it where you would normally use the almond milk. Stir into the oat mix and then add the almond milk for a creamier flavour. Top with the peanut butter and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning add an egg white, stir in and microwave for 3 minutes until egg is cooked through.
Fruit Explosion Oats |
40 g thick Scottish oats
1 scoop Strawberry USN Pure Protein Powder
1 tsp stevia
1 tbsp desiccated coconut
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 chopped banana
1 tsp organic no added sugar peanut butter
2 chopped strawberries
Add the oats, strawberry protein powder, stevia, coconut and chopped banana into your jar. Pour over the almond milk and stir well to mix all together. Spoon the peanut butter over the mixture then add the fruit on top of that. Leave in the fridge overnight and in the morning microwave the jar. The fruit will turn into a jam like consistency when microwaved, which is super tasty! You can stir it all in once cooked or it eat as it comes.
Lemon Cheesecake Oats |
40g thick Scottish Oats
Zest and juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tsp stevia
1 tbsp desiccated coconut
75g quark
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp organic no added sugar peanut butter
Add the oats, lemon, stevia, coconut and almond milk in a jar, and mix well. Stir in the quark, it should turn nice and creamy. Spoon the peanut butter over the top and leave in the fridge overnight. I actually ate this cold and it was SO nice, I just didn't think it would be right having a hot cheesecake. This is definitely my favourite combination EVER, I highly recommend you try it. It is the first time I have used quark in any of my food, I was a bit dubious as people have told me it isn't that nice, but I absolutely loved it. It gave the oats that cheescakey flavour. The tub of quark I bought only cost 85p from Tesco, but I have already run out. So next week I think I am definitely going to buy like 5 tubs haha!
Let me know if you try any of my recipes,
Lucy x