Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Strawberry Jam Pancakes

This is probably my proudest creation so far. I made pancakes for me and my boyfriend one lazy morning, and I had some spare strawberries that needed consuming. So I thought I would attempt to make a strawberry sauce for my pancake tower. First off I cooked up some chocolate pancakes using my usual recipe and adding cocoa powder. I then stacked them up layering peanut butter in between. For the sauce I simply microwaved 3 large strawberries in a Tupperware container for about 30 seconds. This will turn the strawberries gooey but you will need to mash them up a bit more with a fork. I then stirred in a tablespoon of Greek yoghurt and a teaspoon of Stevia for sweetness. Et voilà!  Pour over the top of your pancakes letting the sauce combine with the melted peanut butter, and there you have it; heaven on a plate!

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